The Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) is one step closer to building its regulatory operations in Armidale, with 102 Taylor Street & 91 Beardy Street named as the site for the authority’s permanent office in Armidale, NSW.
The Minister for Agriculture and Water Resources, the Hon. David Littleproud MP, the Member for New England, the Hon. Barnaby Joyce MP, and APVMA Chief Executive Officer, Dr Chris Parker, made the announcement at an event at the site today.
A purpose-built, two-storey office will be constructed by the Stirloch Group (Stirloch), a developer based in Queensland and Victoria that has considerable experience with large government developments.
“This is a significant milestone in the APVMA’s relocation from Canberra to Armidale,” Dr Parker said.
“The APVMA has made a long-term commitment to deliver agvet chemical regulation from regional Australia for the benefit of our clients and stakeholders. We have signed a 15-year lease with Stirloch, with possible extensions.
“Our move to Armidale now has real momentum. We have 15 staff at the interim office at 246 Beardy Street, and that number will double by the end of March.
“More staff will relocate from Canberra and more jobs will be advertised that I hope will attract local talent from Armidale and the surrounds to help us deliver robust regulation and top rate services to Australia’s agvet chemical industry.”
The APVMA will have around 150 staff based at the permanent Armidale office once construction and fit-out is complete in mid-2019.
Mr Littleproud, Mr Joyce, and Dr Parker were joined by Armidale’s traditional owners, and made the announcement to local businesses, representatives from the Armidale Regional Council, the University of New England, local residents and community leaders.
The APVMA will provide updates on the relocation to Armidale at apvma.gov.au/relocation